Can You Get Affordable Wedding Videos?
Of course you can! There are many ways you can get an affordable wedding video of your day:
- You can ask a friend to record it and hope they don’t get too drunk and miss key moments.
- There is the option to record it yourself and hope your ‘soon to be other half’ doesn’t mind that you are spending more time staring into the back of a camera than looking lovingly in to their eyes.
- You can also dive in to the murky depths of Craig’s list? It maybe great for selling a bike but trust me you, want to steer well clear of some of the video services there!
But what if you want a cheap, affordable wedding video filmed by a professional? Are there any options? Well I’ll share a little story about a friends recent wedding…
My Story.
My Facebook feed was going crazy! Everybody, it seemed was posting about the wedding. Some guests were organising shopping trips for new outfits, while others were speculating on the menu. Judging from the amount of activity, It was clear that everybody was really looking forward to this.
That definitely included me too, I had the date (and the following hangover day) booked off work almost a year in advance to make sure everything went swimmingly smooth!
And after months of anticipation, the day finally came… and then it went.
The day didn’t disappoint, we had such a great time…but I felt it was all over too quickly.
Shortly after the wedding, I met up with the newlyweds and conversation quickly turned to sharing stories about the day. Sarah, the bride mentioned: “The day felt like a blur, one minute I’m slipping into my wedding dress, the next minute I’m slipping it off getting ready for bed!”
Unfortunately, my friends didn’t hire a videographer:
“They were too expensive, especially for a full days filming. Plus, we’d spent a lot already, I mean we paid nearly £300 for the bloody cake!”
Now I’m not telling anyone to cheap out on the cake, every body loves cake! But, we all talked about how a video would have been great to watch ourselves and share with the other guests. I didn’t like that they felt they couldn’t afford to hire a wedding videographer, so it got me thinking…
Welcome to Motionlight!
After looking at LOT’S of professional wedding videography sites, I made notes of the prices and worked out the average price for a wedding video. It came to just over £1,000.
Now, I actually think it’s quite a reasonable asking price! You’d pay more for a really good photographer. But £1,000 just isn’t considered cheap to everyone and I was frustrated that there wasn’t any budget friendly options that were good quality… I actually found one site that offered films for £250 but the quality was HORRENDOUS! Seriously, I couldn’t even figure out what they had done to make the videos look so bad, and I’m quite tech savvy.
So anyway, I finally put my degree in photography and video to good use and created Motionlight! My business model is to provide, gorgeously simple wedding videography at an affordable price. Oh.. and no complex packages either!
Just £399 gets you a stunning film of your special day, to enjoy over and over again.
- £399 for complete coverage, no hidden extras.
- Super quick turnaround: 1 to 2 weeks after the day.
- Unobtrusive documentary style filming on the day.